
Pelloux architecture

The firm PELLOUX ARCHITECTURE, located in Tarentaise (Savoie, French Alps) is espacially qualified for construction and renovation in a mountain environment.

 It carries out all types of works :

renovation, new buildings, interior design…

 Its expertise encompasses all building types including residential homes as well as industrial and public buildings in projects of all sizes. 

Sébastien Pelloux


is qualified as an “Architecte DPLG”.

He holds a Master’s Degree in Architecture

with special emphasis on

“Architecture in a mountain environment”.

He founded PELLOUX ARCHITECTURE firm in 2007.


The architecte completed his architectural training at the “Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture” at Grenoble (France).

Professional training

L'amiante en chantier 
La rénovation du bâti ancien 
Perméabilité à l’air, de la conception à la mesure finale 
Les champs électromagnétiques et la santé 
Règlementation thermique RT 2012 
Réalisation bâtiment basse consommation BBC Effinergie 
Accessibilité aux personnes handicapées 
Bâtiment et aménagement durable en Rhône-Alpes
La réforme du permis de construire
Le Radon

Salon du bois
Salon des énergies renouvelables

The architect is there to help you and guide you through your project.

His purpose is to offer advice.

When you decide to use the services of an architect, you brief him with your ideas and he will help you to develop them into a project according to location, budget and french regulations : code civil, code de la construction, PLU, étude de risques naturels (study of natural risks), accessibilité personnes handicapés, règlements incendies (fire regulations), règlementation thermique (insulation regulations), règlements spécifiques (other special regulations).
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